Author Archives: oher
Robert Gates – a leader for our times
In today’s WSJ (6/20/2011) the Managing & Careers section features a story about the defense secretary and his tenure leading the department. What is most striking is Gate’s adaptability, humility and his realistic expectations of others. When he first took … Continue reading
Raise Above It or Stay In It?
A client truly has an impossible job in that he does not have adequate talent with his department to execute work, does not have a supportive manager, continually is pressed to delivery faster better work and is monitored to ensure … Continue reading
Conflict anyone?
One trait that seems to afflict a majority of managers is avoiding conflict. Conflict is inevitable and can be just the beginning of some valuable interaction. Yet why do so many avoid it? The wish to be liked, fantasies of … Continue reading
Google on the Go
A recent NY Times Sunday piece focused on how Google develops good managers and leaders. Not surprisingly they discovered the eternal truth about managers and their employees reporting to them. These bosses and managers do not have to be as … Continue reading
Toughness and Playacting
Scott Walker thinks he is a tough guy and determined not to yield power and not compromise or give in – is there a connection between the two? According to Gary Willis, theologian and professor, John Wayne practiced his walk … Continue reading
In Whose Best Interest?
I have a client who is making great progress on taking more control of his behavior, truly understanding the impact his actions have on colleagues and in leading his organization through focused energy, wit, skill and passion. When I asked his … Continue reading
Hewlett Packard CEO Scandal Coverups the Real Scandal
It took awhile however in a story published in The New York Times today we learn the real reasons Mark Hurd was fired as CEO of Hewlett Packard: few liked or trusted him. He focused on short term cuts to … Continue reading
I recently was reflecting on some outstanding theatre I had seen over the past few years. What is the power of playing against the line in a play be it a comedy or tragedy? One of the biggest laughs Alex … Continue reading
Regrets Loss and Facing Ourselves
Lev Dodin, the director of the acclaimed Maly Drama Theatre of St. Petersburg Russia, has directed a riveting production of UNCLE VANYA, which was recently seen at BAM. Like Ingmar Bergman at his best, Dodin begins the play as well … Continue reading
A Hard Choice In A Life
I recently saw a riveting production of UNCLE VANYA from the Maly Drama Theatre of St. Petersburg Russia. The play’s director Lev Dodin wrote a short bittersweet piece about this piece specifically and Chekhov in general. One has to make … Continue reading